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On this day, my 93rd birthday, I have begun trying to reach back into my memory as far as I possibly can, and the first, and oldest memory I have found is of the first bedroom I ever had, and a little framed motto which my parents had put there. As I began to read, the text of that motto was one of the first things I ever memorized.
It was a picture of two birds, sitting on the branch of a tree—a robin and a sparrow. After all these years I can still see that picture in my mind. And the words beneath the picture were these:
Said the robin to the sparrow, I should really like to know, why these anxious human beings rush about and worry so.
Said the sparrow to the robin, friend, I think that it must be that they have no Heavenly Father such as cares for you and me.
As I grew up, those words never left my mind, and I have written them today, just as I remember them.
The difference between then and now, is that then I accepted the message as a word of reassurance, but now I have for 93 years experienced the fact of His care for me through every step of my life's journey.
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